was created by the Descendant of the French colonists and African slaves brought to Louisiana
and by their Creole children.
It belongs to a special language group,
the Atlantic Creoles, which are languages created by theDescendant
of the French colonists and African slaves brought to the Americas.
Good Creole Language link.....Highly recommernded by a Good Creole Friend..
The Creole Language is one of the very few Latin / French Romantic
Languages spoken World wide... here, in American, everybody is expected to speak English and because of the Enslavement of The African and People of Color, the Language, here in America is now on the verge of extinction..We Creoles can keep it alive, as well as Our Heritage by learning and speaking Creole...It is easy to learn ..
You don't need to be fluent in Creole...Speaking just a few words with Your friends and passer-bys should be enough for You to become familiar with the Language. A simple greeting or just saying "hello" or "Are You having a nice day" should be more than enough for You to become familiar with the Language...
Your friends will surely be taken back and the World will know that You are surely unique and different...You can find those every day sayings that You can latch onto by brousing through Our language pages..Keeping Our Creole Language alive will Preserve Our Culture for future generations
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of the authors listed. In no way are these articles credited to this site.
The material presented is only a brief presentation of writings from the
publisher & producer of each article.
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