
Creole Articles of Interest


Holding on to Our Culture

Louisiana has been the Home of this unique experience...The South has long been the Motherhood of Creole Culture.... Creoles Prior to the Civil War enjoyed a Renaissance of Cultural expansion and development and these Creoles enjoyed a Separate Racial Status ...Their Culture developed , its People and their economic achievements became the envy of America, both Black and White...


After the Civil War all of this was to change...Once the carpetbaggers during the post Civil War era were run out of the South the then Racist Southern Politicians began to enact laws that would eventually take all these hard won successes away from The Creole Peopl Consequently Creoles were were stripped of there citizenship,Their Racial Status and Legal Rights and were reduced to a Pre slavery lifestyle..

Those Creoles who were not forced to leave Louisiana, somehow, began to leave the state to other regions of the Country for better opportunities ...Today this outward migration has displaced much of the Louisiana Creole Population..To a great extent the population drain has spread the Louisiana Creole to every state of the Union and to as many foreign Countries ...The Creoles Culture still remains strong and its People continue to become achievers who still have a strong desire to maintain there Louisiana roots.







More of The Creole Experience


Creole First

A Salute to Our Ancestors

Good Creole related Videos

Featuring Creole Women

Famous Creole Video Collage... Click here

Identify as" Creole"on the U.S.Census

Fight for Our right to Creole Recognition

The First established Ethnic Group in the New World

Creole or Mestizo

The Other Americans The Melungeons

Southern University’s first professional librarian. of Creole Heritage
The Buffalo Soldiers formed in New Orleans La
Henriette Delille moves closer to sainthood
Creole Recognition Day

Abagond......A Good Multi- Racial Web Site

Rose Nicaud .. America's First Coffee Vendor..Free Person of Color and Creole


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**All articles taken from selected reading materials are the sole property of the authors listed. In no way are these articles credited to this site. The material presented is only a brief presentation of writings from the publisher & producer of each article.
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