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Gilbert Martin Bio
Our Creole Treaty Rights
The Moors
Were They Black or White
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TheBlack Genesis of Chess - Moors of Spain
by Daaim Shabazz, Ph.D.
The History of France
French West Africa
Map OF French West Africaa Click image to enlarge

Creole Chronology
"The most powerful little
book ever written"





The Genesis"
Part 1 of a 12 part series


the Mulatto Dutchess of Portsmouth



The Creole Genisis


Mr. Gilbert E. Martin! The author of this publication is introducing Factual proof to the world that the "Creole" people Truly Exist, have a Unique past and must be acknowledged as a Bona Fide Nation of recognizable people who share many of the same cultural values.

Also, whose history dates back to the beginning of civilized time. It is further said, and documented that their people and their culture existed before the building of the America's.

Dating as far back as the earliest civilization of Egypt Africa and the ancient Gaul Civilation of Europe and Africa and The Americas'..     And that their language and culture developed in Africa long before their African lineage was brought to the New World. We creoles were a seperate nation of people long before the "One Drop" theory was developed, that, basically assimulated all people of color into one distinct category.

Even though, at the present, we are scattered throughout America, we still reach out to one another and continue to maintain our "Creole" identity.

    There are many of us, who, sometimes disagree as to whether we should be entitled to a seperate nation, but we all agree as to who we are! Whether you agree or disagree, one thing is for sure, and that is that we "Creoles" are a distinct ethnic group of people and we should be recognized as such. Our accomplishments are many...



  the name "Creole" was not bestowed upon us until 1590 in the "Americas" by a spanish priest, who determined that the mixed breeds born in the New World were neither Spanish, African nor Indian, but a mixture of all, thus a "Created Race" so he called them "Criollos" which in spanish means "to create." In its original context it was not to denote "Race", but rather persons born in the New World.

    It must not be forgotten that there were people of all races that used this same term, as before, it did not denote race. Dictionaries throughout the English language offer different explanations as to what exactly the word "Creole" means. But again for a large part it is widely used to identify someone of mixed percentage with a culture originating form the rich interbreeding between the French, The American Indians and The indiginous french West African People



    Whites who carried the "Creole" label, eventually disavowed this name as it began to indicate, more frequently someone of mixed races. Not only does this name "Creole" denote Black, White, Native American and Our mixed Heritage but also it identified someone with a unique and distinct way of Life, Language, Food, Music and Religious values and a common demeanor...



From Antiquity to the Present


O Mouro



Part 2 of 12:

The Moors

The the first known documentation of the Creole/Mulatto Nation of People

.Click here for story and videos



when the Moors ruled in Europe (watch the video) click here

Page 5


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