Constance Bouligny

free woman of color





2016-2020 ... Burgundy Street

New Orleans, La.
(1811 - present)



2016-2020 Burgundy Street




In 1836 Jean Asher Moses Nathan, a Dutch-Jewish immigrant, rebuilt an 1806 brick-between-posts cottage erected for free woman of color Constance Bouligny.

Nathan established his placee and two children in the unusual Greek Revival house with three dormers, eight Doric box columns supporting a deep overhang and a rusticated wood facade. The house is open by appointment and contains a bed and breakfast.

Sun Oak, built around 1807 and renovated by 1836. Headquarters for the education through HIstoric Preservation Program. Photograph by Eugene D. Cizek, Restoration architect Cizek presented the triple house as it appeared during the Greek Revival period, preserving, however, what remained of the oldest part of the complex in his 1976 restoration.



2016-2020 Burgundy Street



An unusual triple cottage with an inbuilt service way, rustic wood facade and gable sided roof covering supported by slender doric box columns ,.. Triple dormers with with traditional pilasters and arched window heads and greek key door surrounds are indicative of a possible construction date from the 1840,s.. Asher W. Nathan, A.S. Lewis and Annette Tronchez each owned the property between 1836 and 1849 ..It replaced an earlier brick-between-post cottage built for Constance Bouligny, a Free Woman of Color prior to 1820.

An 1836 auction notice at the sale of the estate of Noel Carriere a Free Man Of Color to whom Mme. Bouligny sold the house states : On which lot is erected a house bricked between post, kitchen and other dependencies, all of Which are in bad order .... The house was then numbered 122 Burgundy.. A Nathan bough the cottage for $2,850, selling the property to A.S. Lewis in 1843 at a bankruptcy sale.. Annette Tronchez bough it from Lewis a Year later in 1844...

The present House in scheme is really three single tow bay, one room wide Creole cottage with single dormers and a common roof.. ..An unusual feature is the appearance of a built in gallery across the facade of a Creole cottage lacking a foundation.. Most Creole cottages with galleries are recessed on the lot and set on brick piers one to three feet in height



New Orleans Architecture Vol lV The Creole Samuel Wilson Jr 1996




Photos Courtesy




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