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A lot has been said about the greatness of American Music like R & B, Rock and Roll, Country, Blugrass,Pop,Hip Hop and the like...But no where is there an equal to the Louisiana style...

This Music predates almost all of Americas Music...You see, The very roots of American Music was born in Americas Southland...Jazz, Blues,Rock and Roll, dixieland Jazz, and the likes was created from the fusion of Black, White and Caribbean Cultures..

Not Only does Cajun, Creole, Zycdeo, Swamp Pop blues, Jazz ,Regga and the likes but Caribbean musdic all come together to produce the best music the World has know






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**All articles taken from selected reading materials are the sole property of the authors listed. In no way are these articles credited to this site. The material presented is only a brief presentation of writings from the publisher & producer of each article.
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