Legitimate argument against Non Mixed People being the First Creoles |
Creole/Mulatto |
Afro/ Creole |
European/Creole |
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The New World People
At the Congress of Angostura in 1819, liberator Simon
Bolivar elected president of Venezuela, planned
a strategy that would free the Americas of European
He also found it necessary to clarify Americas
racial heritage: It is impossible to say
to which human family we belong.
The larger part of the
Native population has disappeared, Europeans have mixed
with the Indians and the Negroes, and Negroes have mixed
with the Indians.
We were all born of one mother America,
though our fathers had different origins, and we all
have differently colored skins. This dissimilarity is
of the greatest significance.
1920s estimate that a third of African Americans have
Indian blood requires new research. Today just about
every African-American family tree has an Indian branch.
The First Creoles
If You pick up a dictionary and look up the definition of the Word Creole You'll find many different meanings . The great majority of them continue to place the Title of the First Creoles upon the Original Colonial European inhaditants of the New World..
.Many People .who are not familiar with Creoles or their Culture will tend to agree.This is far from the truth and yet this Lie has been perpetuated since the Discovery of the New World .
For some odd reason no one is willing to accept the fact that the Word Creole was a Word bestowed upon the First generation of African slaves born in the New World..So, lets see for Ourselves what is the truth...
Are the offsprings of the pure European exployers really the first Creoles ?
If the Word Creole is defined as someone who is neither White nor Black but a Mixture then certainly it would not include the European Spanish conquerors as they did not bring Spanish women with them, which would then mean that their opffsprings in the New World would be a Mix of Spanish, Native Americans, and/ or of African slaves.;.
Conclusion ...
Therefore it is right to assume that the offsprings of the first Spanish were mixed Race(Mestizo) and not Of Pure European stock....The Creoles of Color are of Mixed Race parentage and therefore also fit this well documented description...As in the Case of the Louisiana European Creoles how can they be considered the Orinal Creoles when the French Women came after the creation of the Louisiana Colony and certainly after the arrival of the Slaves
(In some cases French Women such as indentured servants, Prostitutes,and The Less desirable ones were sometimes kidnapped and brought against their will to the French Colonies but they were few and far between)
Creole : ( Criollo) in Spanish means " to create " |
The Word Creole does not necessarily mean that it's exculsive Use was for only one of African Lineage...It can also mean Offsprings of the Original Spanish conquerers as it pertains to their Mestizo offsprings:
Quote of the day
A person without a History is like a person lost in the wilderness
Well documented from 16th Centuary text
Garcilaso de la Vega, "The Inca,"
writing in the early 1600's, tells us: "The name was invented
by the Negroes... They use it to mean a Negro born in the Indies,
and they devised it to distiguish those who come from this side
and were born in Guinea from those born in the New World....
The Spanish copied them by introducing this word
to describe those born in the New World, and in this way both
Spaniards and Guinea Negroes are called criollo if they were born in the NewWorld."
Recent scholarship has
determined that this Spanish adoption of black usage dates
from the 1560's, before which time the "word creole applied....
exclusively to Negroes."
Later practice in the Spanish
empire seems to have been variable, with most South American creoles eventually fixing on purity of white blood as a mark
of their kind, while in other areas, particularly the Caribbean
islands, the distinction continued to apply to all those indigenous
to the religious regardless of race."
de la Vega
Royal Commentaries of the Incas (2 vols.; Austin, 1966) |
The term Creole
(Spanish -- Criollo) was introduced in 1590. It derived from
the Latin word crear, which meant, create.
In 1590, Father J. de Acosta decided that the mixed breeds
born in the New World were neither Spanish, African, Indian,
but various mixtures of all three, thus a created race.
So he identified them as "Criollos"
At that time, and for approximately
250 years afterwards, the word Creole, for the most part,
only signified that a person was born in the new World. And it did not refer to color or race. For a time, in the Catholic
colonies the term Mulatto was predominate because there were
no white women to produce unmixed white offsprings.
Eventually, the Creole identity
made its way to Jamaica as testified by Rev. James Ramsey
in 1788. Ramsey wrote, In every case within my knowledge,
the farther back the Negro could trace his Creolism, the more
he valued himself, the more he was valued.
Also, it
was reported by J.A. Rogers that some time during the eighteenth
century, blacks from South America began to apply the term
Creole to their children born in America, in order to distinguish
them from slaves freshly imported from Africa. And like the
term Mulatto, the term Creole evolved through succeeding generations
and became a term for racial identity.
Too White to be Black Too Black to be White |
Chronology ©1994 (Permission granted)
by Gilbert E. Martin |
More on the definition of a Creole..You decide
A person of European descent born in the West Indies or Spanish America.
- A person descended from or culturally related to the original French settlers of the southern United States, especially Louisiana.
- The French dialect spoken by these people.
A person descended from or culturally related to the Spanish and Portuguese settlers of the Gulf States.
often creole A person of mixed Black and European ancestry who speaks a creolized language, especially one based on French or Spanish.
A Black slave born in the Americas as opposed to one brought from Africa.
creole A creolized language.
Haitian Creole.
The term Mulatto
originally applied to a person whose parents were of distinctively
different races.
In this
work Indians are considered as being different from Caucasians
and Africans. Thousands of the New World mixed breeds were
of African-Indian extractions. The Mulattoes in the West Indies
extended the term beyond the first generation of half breeds
by applying the term to their own offsprings.
Consequently, as the term was extended from generation to
generation, it applied to any person of mixed ancestry. And
by the open and continued use of the term in the latter sense,
a Mulatto race evolved on Hispaniola,
the Mulatto race grew
into a separate nation. And resulting from the Haitian revolution,
which began in August of 1791, Haitis Mulatto nation,
in conjunction with its counterparts from Martinique and Guadeloupe,
bolstered and fortified the Creole nation already developed
in Louisiana.
Occasionally, other Mulatto types from Santo
Domingo, Cuba, and Jamaica became parts of the melting pot;
the only real melting pot the United States ever had.
Chronology ©1994 (Permission granted)
by Gilbert E. Martin |
Good links
The Atlantic Creoles
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