Continued from Page 2...
Creole Military activity
Creole Literature
Early development of Our Culture

Early Creole Culture

Our Heritage and National Pride
Creoles of Cane River
Our Religious Convictions
Creole french Music


  1.   2)... Our side of the treaty was made by a European sovereign, the French Republic has the obligation to partition the French government to intercede on our behalf in event our demands are not met by the United States of America. Remember! Our ancestors were French citizens when the Territory was handed over to the Americans. That’s an irrefutable fact

  2. 5.....The duration of the treaty is forever. Therefore, any reparation, restitution, annuity, or other considerations that we receive from the governments in question, are to last forever. This is the law. And not even an act of congress can change that. Unless, of course, the United States Government elects to relinquish its ill-gotten title to the original Louisiana Territory.

  3. .

  4. In other words, our rights are forever. So it’s up to us, acting as a nation should, to organize, claim our rights, and chart our own destiny. With the IFCCS in full pursuit of our rights, and with the law on our side, we should be able to demand and gain billions of dollars, annually, to contribute to the following benefits for our membership.

      1. The ability to make real estate and business loans.
    1. The ability to establish and maintain a facility, or facilities, for maintaining convalescence and health care for the elderly, the invalid, and the disabled.

    2. .The ability to initiate and pursue research and development of real estate and other investments for the financial stability and growth of the International French Creole Cultural Society.

      .The ability to establish a series of French-Creole educational and cultural centers to serve not only Louisiana French Creoles, but French Creoles the world over.

    3. And much more. Check it out and use your own imagination.

      6..Perpetual tax exemptions. Just try to imagine how much money you could save if you never had to pay real estate and/or income taxes. Remember! The united States received 908,380 square miles of our country, which at today’s value is worth more than twenty-seven trillion dollars, not counting minerals, forestry, marine life and other wild life and improvements.
  1. That should be more than enough, by far, to exempt us from taxation forever. That’s the gist of my argument.

  2. 6..Perpetual tax exemptions. Just try to imagine how much money you could save if you never had to pay real estate and/or income taxes. Remember! The united States received 908,380 square miles of our country, which at today’s value is worth more than twenty-seven trillion dollars, not counting minerals, forestry, marine life and other wild life and improvements.
  3. That should be more than enough, by far, to exempt us from taxation forever. That’s the gist of my argument.

7.....Our treaty is not to be compared with thenumerous treaties made between the United States and the Indians. We had two very distinguishing particulars that did not exist for the Indians.


  1. 18.) ...As a nation we were “far advanced in education and civilization” which was reported by the Daily Picayune in New Orleans in 1859.

  2. 1984! That’s when the city of New Orleans hosted the World’s Fair. And from that occasion came the birth of Cajun cuisine and Cajun cooking. Those contrivances were meant to deprive us of our centuries old cultural artifact.

  3. .

    Since then racist promoters of New Orleans and Louisiana have been relentlessly, but not successfully, trying to use the word Cajun to obliterate the word Creole. That action is nothing short of attempted genocide. And that’s in violation of the International Genocide Treaty and other laws.

  4. Consequently, everywhere the word Cajun is used in reference to cuisine and cooking, a potential target for litigation exists. This means that our claims can exceed the boundaries of governments and extend into the realms of business and advertising. For generations, Louisiana has been known as the Creole State.

    Now, resulting from only sixteen years of illegal and racist promotion, all we hear is “Cajun this” and “Cajun that.” Let us stand by and see those devastating promotions continue through the Louisiana Bicentennial celebration which is scheduled to take place in 2003.

Now, after nearly two hundred years of suffering and complaining, our recognition and rights are finally forthcoming. It’s inevitable. The time has come for you to decide whether you will be a player or an onlooker in this undeniable historic passing of time. We don’t need the federal government to confer......

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